Keto Chow egg pudding

  This is a delicious way to get your protein in and have a delicious desert. The recipe is based off Maria Emmerich's protein pudding (link for video is down below)

Roll the Dice

It was such a tremendous honor to interview Dr. Berry this week. He is such a wealth of knowledge and I learn something new every time I listen to him speak. But, one thing he said in our [...]

Why Don’t We Bury The Headline?

After many years as a newspaper reporter, I tend to see things through a journalistic lens.  It’s probably why I am so passionate about product reviews. I don’t want people to be taken [...]

5 Day O.M.A.D challange

When it comes to living a ketogenic lifestyle, we are always trying new things to see what makes us feel best. For the last 10 months, we have been doing intermittent fasting with the first meal [...]