I tease Joe for avoiding tuna. But I have to admit, I’ve avoided it lately, too. My tuna avoidance hasn’t been because I don’t like the taste of tuna, but rather because I have associated it with my old way of “dieting.” Like rice cakes and celery sticks, tuna fish reminds me of the days when I thought the healthiest way to eat was low calorie, fat free and tasteless.
I can remember calculating how many miles I would need to spend on the treadmill in order to earn a tablespoon of that chemically-tasting, fat-free, wish-I-was-actual-mayonnaise condiment. Often, I chose to just eat my tuna fish with some salt and pepper to avoid adding calories.
Of course, I left my meal feeling deprived and bad about myself. The feeling was then multiplied with the carb-fueled burden of being hungry again, just half-an-hour later.
Thank the Lord, I don’t have to experience that anymore. Since embracing the keto lifestyle, I can now enjoy flavorful, filling recipes like these cheesy tuna croquettes. Great food without the guilt…I love it!
If you’re like me and have avoided tuna since going keto, do yourself a favor and give this recipe a try. At the very least, it will provide closure for you and tunafish. You have an opportunity to learn once and for all if you’ve liked or hated tuna for tuna, or if your opinion of this convenience food has more to do with what you’ve been told in the past about losing weight.
To give tunafish it’s best shot at winning you over, I recommend trying the Wild Planet canned tuna we used in making the recipe. We aren’t associated with this company in any way. We were just absolutely shocked at the high quality taste of this product.
At this point, we should probably be accustomed to the difference it makes when ingredients are allowed to speak for themselves, without a bunch of shelf-stabilizing chemicals. But, the truth is, the taste of high-quality foods, left alone to do their thing, is still surprising and refreshing!
I pray I never take them for granted.
Cheesy Tuna Croquettes
- 1 can Tuna fish - 5 ounces https://amzn.to/2NUjqXO
- 2 Tbls Coconut flour
- 3 Tbls Mayo We make our own avacado oil mayo
- 2 Eggs We used pasture raised
- 1 stalk celery optional for crunch
- 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 1/2 tsp onion powder
- 1 tsp Mineral salt
- Preheat oven or air fryer to 375 degrees
- Drain the tuna fish
- Combine all ingredients in a bowl
- Allow to sit for a couple minutes so the coconut flour absorbs the liquid
- Divide into 6 patties and place in air fryer basket
- Bake at 375 for 10-15 minutes flipping once about halfway through after cakes have set up.