I don’t know all the details of Joe’s “dream house.”
But, I do know it would be close to a Lowe’s.
As we’ve worked on the pop up camper these last couple weeks, Joe’s been to Lowe’s so many times, the employees shout “Norm!” (like on the tv show, Cheers), whenever he walks through the double doors.
It makes sense he’s there a lot, though. It’s an improvement store, after all. And, the camper has needed a lot of improvement. Joe’s spent night after night fixing, renovating, overhauling and … modifying.
Modifications. I think I’ve heard that word a handful of times in the last 40 years and 3 billion times in the last 2 weeks. But, that’s how you search for potential camper/trailer upgrade opportunities on YouTube. You search for modifications. And, the opportunities are seemingly endless.
You can modify the roof, the lights, the beds, the floors, the kitchen, the bathroom or the storage cabinets. You can modify water tanks and electrical wiring and where you put the dining room. The what’s, the how’s and the why’s are all there in 100s of playlists. Just print out the YouTuber’s shopping list for any one of them and you’re off to Lowe’s!
But, then you get to Lowe’s and you realize there are products on the shelves advocating modifications no YouTuber has even thought of yet! You want to eliminate all mosquitos in a 100-mile radius while taking a soak in your indoor hot tub, (which doubles as a massage chair, fits in just one camper drawer and runs off propane)?
You can do it, I think. Just a few modifications. Check out the plumbing, electrical, flooring, carpentry and outdoor aisles.
At one point, Joe had us sit down and decide what 5, not 500, modifications we wanted to make. We had good bones and limitless possibilities. It sounds like the perfect scenario. But, it’s not. Too many directions could easily drain our bank account and leave us with a whole bunch of half-completed projects. Because, at some point, we have to actually pack up and camp in this thing. Our timetable isn’t open-ended.
So, the question became: what 5 modifications could we complete by Sunday, August 23? We decided to repair the roof, fix the canvas, change the interior fabrics, paint the cabinets, and replace the floor. And, really, all the modifications had one common goal: to fortify the camper against future water damage.
Water is AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL. One big reason we want to camp is so we can experience more of it. We want to watch the rain, swim in the springs, fish in creeks, and feel the sea breeze as the sun sets on the ocean. As breathtaking as water can be, it can also be a jerk. The same water that will can make our vacation magical could also make our camper moldy.
So, as much as I would love to add speakers and solar panels and an indoor shower to our camper, we can’t make all those modifications right now. And, that’s ok. We just need to make the changes that will insure our pop-up camper is able to stay on the road now, (and for years to come).
The keto space has become like Lowe’s. There are so many aisles to shop. Looking to modify your condiments? Aisle 4. Trying to build muscle while losing fat? Aisle 6. Strict keto, lazy keto or dirty keto? Aisles 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Venturing into carnivore or thinking about cyclical keto? Check out aisles 14 and 27.Modifying your fat sources? Changing out your sweeteners? We’ve got what you need, sure. But they’re all on different aisles.
At some point this week, sit yourself down and decide what are one or two, (not 10), modifications you want to make to your keto lifestyle. I recommend changes and add-ons you know will fortify your health goals against future damage. Because while there are a lot of beautiful products to behold, some can slow you down, (or worse, stall you).
Make a change this week to better secure your present keto lifestyle and insure a successful keto journey for years to come.
Remember, you’ve got lots of happy trails yet to explore.