Nobody wants to be sick!!

There is a palpable intensity this week to “be healthy.” It almost seems like being well is a civic duty. Nobody ever WANTS to be sick. But, right now, it feels like the weight of our communities [...]

It’s time to be extravagant

Extravagance. Just saying the word right now seems borderline reckless. In this climate of uncertainty, our thoughts and conversations are permeated with words like frugal, economize, restrict, [...]

Does Your “But” Fit In Your Plans?

Monday morning, I jumped out of bed and strapped on my favorite fanny pack. There was a storewide 50% off sale at our local thrift store. And, my mom and I wanted to be there when the double [...]

Someone Has To Do It

A great big shoutout to my mother, the coolest lady I know. …and strong – both emotionally AND PHYSICALLY. As you know, I do a lot of shipping. And, when I have a giant carload to [...]

Weekend Warrior

As we continue our search for a travel trailer, dealers usually ask us to check a box and identify ourselves as a buyer. Joe usually checks the box labeled, “weekend warrior.” I tried to pinpoint [...]

The Difference Between Know and Can

“I do the very best I know how; the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end.” – Abraham Lincoln. I love this quote by Abraham Lincoln. But, I’d also like to edit it. [...]

The Optimistic Pessimist

The glass is half-full, but I’ll probably spill it. Truth be told, I’ve spent the majority of my life as an optimistic pessimist. Most folks would describe me as upbeat. But, when it came to [...]

Simply Delicious

This week, the Deep Blue Sea trilogy was on sale for $10. Honestly, before we were notified of the sale, I wasn’t even aware there was a Deep Blue Sea 2 or 3. But, we had both enjoyed the [...]


I don’t know all the details of Joe’s “dream house.”  But, I do know it would be close to a Lowe’s. As we’ve worked on the pop up camper these last couple weeks, Joe’s been to Lowe’s so many [...]

Happy Camper

If you want to play a game of Wants vs. Needs, try packing a pop-up camper. With all the pop outs “popped out” for the first time, Joe and I began reenacting a scene from the movie, [...]

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