Happy April, Family!
Ordinarily I’d be plotting my April Fool’s Day joke right now.
I’m pregnant, I’m moving, I’m getting a pet zebra…my friends and family have heard it all. Who I fool, even for a minute, usually depends on how early I reach them.
If I am their first conversation of the day, I have a much better chance of catching them off guard. The mixture of them forgetting what day it is combined with me being an ordinarily trustworthy person is the perfect combination for shenanigans. If I catch them early, I’m almost guaranteed to hear a perturbed groan followed by the admission, “You got me!”
Of course, I won’t be making any prank calls this year. We are already living in an atmosphere that begs the question, “Is this for real?”
Surely, I keep hoping, somebody will come clean that this has all been some cruel joke. And, any minute now, life will go back to “normal.”
Unfortunately, I think this is our “normal” for at least a little while.
So, it’s time for all of us to decide, who is going to be uttering the perturbed groan at the end of this month: me or my stress eating? Who is going to be admitting on April 30, “You got me!”
I’ll tell you what, I don’t want to be the fool.
We’ve worked too hard to get to this point, to see our success unravel. And, possibly more important than that right now, I need the natural immune support I’ve received these past few years living a keto lifestyle.
Being diligent about social distancing and practicing stellar sanitizing habits will fortify the external barrier we’re all trying to create. But, when we couple that with an internal battle plan of eating right, we’re truly giving ourselves the best possible chance for maintaining good health in this season.
Mental clarity, reduced inflammation, glucose balance, reduced anxiety and depression, reduced joint pain…they’re all great reasons to start keto. And, they’re all great reasons to stay keto.
So, how do I pull one over on my stress eating? Catch it early.
It’s the first day of the month. Start plotting. Begin taking a look at your target, the stress eating: When are you most vulnerable? What are your triggers? What can you do to either avoid them or walk away from them? What can you use to fill the void and provide some stress relief?
Family, we’re not a bunch of fools. We’re fantastic! And, I want to see your #FantasticChoice each day. Will you share those with us?
Whether it’s keeping your food super simple, practicing intermittent fasting, going for a walk when you’re feeling stressed, or watching an episode of your favorite sitcom instead of seeking a moment of levity in a snack, tell us about it!
Sharing each #FantasticChoice will remind you of what you do have control over, allow you to celebrate (even in this season), and encourage others that achieving goals is still possible…no joke! ❤️